Tuesday, December 8, 2009


This month I received a letter from my HOA group notifying me of a change in how they are billing gas. When I purchased the condo unit, gas was included in the HOA. Now, as of January 1, I have to pay for as much as I use.
Their logic was good: make everyone pay for their own heat/AC and they might weatherize their homes better. I agree with this, but I was surprised that in the dead of winter, they are chaning how we are billed. I am unable to replace my single pane windows in January so I will have to pay more until spring when I can have that done.
I will be taking time to caulk around my windows again and placing weather stripping around my door, but those will only save a little money.
Anyway, I'll have to wait and see if my costs go down because I conserve energy. Only time will tell. That is my ultimate hope.
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